Painting the exterior of a house is a lot different than doing an interior for Louisville residents. Exterior paint jobs have to defy the elements, and all that comes with them. The seasonal changes alone cause a paint job to expand and contract at phenomenal rates. Then, there’s the periodic exposure to rain, snow, and sun that must be considered. Good painters will make sure that the paint seals the exterior of the house as well as making it look good.
Exterior painting calls for a higher quality paint.
Although there are situations where cost is a major factor, for the most part we recommend home owners to use the highest quality finish for their exterior painting projects. It truly is a “you get what you pay for” scenario when purchasing and applying exterior paints. We recommend Sherwin Williams Duration on all of our exterior projects. We’ve used it so we know how it performs over the long haul, and Sherwin Williams stands behind their products.
Call us for an exterior painting estimate 502-338-8129
- Our exterior house painters are polite and professional
- We have a habit of finishing our exterior jobs on time and on budget
- We’re fully insured to do exterior painting in Louisville and Southern Indiana.
- We have the tools and man power to complete your job in a timely fashion.
- We are RRP certified and experienced on doing large older homes.
If you home is in an older area of Louisville, such as the Cherokee triangle area, let us know. We have lots of references that wouldn’t mind you driving by and having a look at out work. After all seeing is believing.